
The Science Behind Your Subconscious Mind: Understanding How It Shapes Your Life

by Destiny Jones
Silhouette of a head filled with gears and a lightbulb

The subconscious mind is a powerful aspect of our psyche that operates below the level of conscious awareness. It encompasses all the thoughts, beliefs, memories, and emotions that are not actively in our conscious awareness at any given moment. Unlike the conscious mind, which is responsible for logical thinking and decision-making, the unconscious mind operates on a more automatic and intuitive level.

The subconscious differs from the conscious mind in several ways. While the conscious mind is aware of its thoughts and actions, your higher mind works behind the scenes, influencing our behavior without us even realizing it. The subconscious mind also stores all our past experiences and beliefs, shaping how we perceive ourselves and interact with others. Understanding how this hidden part of our minds works can have a profound impact on various aspects of our lives.

Key Takeaways

  • The subconscious mind is a powerful force that shapes our lives.
  • Beliefs and values strongly influence the subconscious.
  • Positive thinking, affirmations, and visualization can help harness the power of the unconscious mind.
  • Meditation and mindfulness have been shown to have positive effects on the subconscious mind.
  • Understanding and utilizing the subconscious mind can lead to a better life.
Open door to a starry night sky

The Power of the Subconscious Mind: How it Affects Your Life

It’s influence on our lives cannot be overstated. It plays a significant role in shaping our behavior and decisions without us even being aware of it. For example, if someone has had a traumatic experience in their past related to dogs, their subconscious fear may cause them to feel anxious or avoidant around dogs without consciously understanding why.

Past experiences have a particularly strong impact on shaping our subconscious minds. Our brains are wired to remember negative experiences more vividly than positive ones as a survival mechanism. These memories become imprinted in our unconscious minds and can influence future behaviors or decisions related to similar situations.

The Science of the Subconscious Mind: Understanding its Functioning

To understand how it functions, we must delve into some neuroscience concepts related to brain structures such as amygdala and hippocampus.

The amygdala plays a crucial role in processing emotions within the brain’s limbic system – an area closely linked with memory formation and emotional responses. When we encounter certain stimuli or situations, the amygdala quickly assesses whether they are threatening or safe. If it perceives a threat, it triggers a fear response and activates the fight-or-flight mechanism.

The hippocampus, on the other hand, is responsible for consolidating memories and transferring them from short-term to long-term storage. It plays a vital role in encoding emotional experiences into our subconscious minds. This is why emotionally charged events tend to leave a lasting impact on our subconscious.

Person meditating in a cosmic landscape

The Role of the Brain in the Subconscious Mind

The brain and the subconscious mind are intricately connected. While the brain serves as the physical organ responsible for processing information and controlling bodily functions, it also acts as a conduit for communication between conscious and subconscious processes.

Brain waves play an essential role in this connection. Different states of consciousness correspond to different patterns of brain wave activity. For example, during deep sleep or meditation, we experience slower brain waves known as delta waves. These slower frequencies allow easier access to our subconscious mind.

Research has shown that certain techniques like hypnosis can induce specific brain wave patterns that facilitate direct communication with the subconscious mind. By accessing these altered states of consciousness intentionally, we can tap into our hidden potential and make positive changes at a deeper level.

The Connection Between Conscious and Subconscious Mind

The conscious mind communicates with the subconscious through various means such as thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and visualization techniques. When we consciously focus on something repeatedly or hold strong beliefs about ourselves or others consciously over time – these messages get imprinted into our subconscious minds.

Aligning both aspects of our minds is crucial for personal growth and success because conflicting messages between conscious desires (e.g., wanting financial abundance) versus deeply ingrained limiting beliefs (e.g., money is evil) can create internal resistance that hinders progress towards goals.

Dr. Thurman Fleet and The Stick Person

Thurman Fleet, a pioneer in mind-body healing, profoundly impacted how we understand the subconscious mind. His Concept-Therapy philosophy and the iconic “stick person” diagram emphasized the interconnectedness of the conscious mind, the subconscious, and the physical body. This model illustrated how altering one’s beliefs and thoughts can influence physical and emotional well-being.

Diagram of conscious and subconscious mind

Fleet believed the subconscious mind holds immense potential to shape our reality. He taught that by identifying negative patterns and consciously adopting positive beliefs, individuals could reprogram their subconscious to achieve better health, success, and happiness. He highlighted the effectiveness of affirmations and visualizations in embedding desired outcomes into the subconscious, thereby manifesting these goals into reality.

His concept of “mental housecleaning” involves eliminating limiting beliefs to make way for thoughts of abundance and positivity. Fleet’s work has significantly influenced modern self-help practices, emphasizing the transformative power of the subconscious mind in personal growth and fulfillment. His legacy continues to inspire those seeking to leverage their subconscious for positive life changes.

The Influence of Beliefs and Values on the Subconscious

Beliefs and values play a significant role in shaping our lives. They act as filters through which we interpret the world around us, influencing our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and decisions.

Our beliefs are formed through various sources such as cultural upbringing, personal experiences, education, or societal influences. Positive beliefs can empower us to achieve great things while negative or limiting beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential.

Identifying limiting beliefs is crucial for personal growth because they often operate at an unconscious level – sabotaging efforts towards success without conscious awareness.

The Importance of Positive Thinking and Affirmations

Positive thinking is an effective way to reprogram the unconscious for success and happiness. By consciously focusing on positive thoughts instead of dwelling on negative ones, we can shift our mindset toward optimism and abundance.

Affirmations are powerful tools that help reinforce positive thinking patterns in our subconscious minds. By repeating affirmations related to desired outcomes or qualities we wish to embody (e.g., “I am confident” or “I attract abundance”), we send consistent messages to our subconscious that gradually replace old negative thought patterns with new empowering ones.

Take these positive affirmations and pin them to your Pinterest board today – they have worked miracles for me and it’s my hope they can work for you too.

The Role of Visualization in the Subconscious Mind

Visualization is another potent technique for harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. By creating vivid mental images of desired outcomes or experiences, we engage our subconscious minds in a way that makes them more receptive to manifesting those desires.

When we visualize ourselves achieving our goals or living our dream life, we activate the same neural pathways in our brains as if we were actually experiencing those scenarios. This primes our subconscious minds to seek opportunities and take actions aligned with those visualizations.

The Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness on the Subconscious Mind

Meditation and mindfulness practices have been shown to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. When it comes to the subconscious mind, these practices can help calm its constant chatter and bring about a state of inner peace.

By focusing on the present moment through meditation or mindfulness techniques, we train ourselves to observe thoughts without judgment or attachment. This practice allows us to become more aware of our automatic thought patterns and emotional reactions – giving us greater control over how they influence our behavior.

Mindfulness also enhances decision-making by reducing impulsive reactions driven by unconscious biases or emotions. By cultivating a mindful approach, individuals can make choices that align with their conscious intentions rather than being swayed by hidden influences from their subconscious minds.

Butterfly emerging from cocoons


What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is a part of our mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness. It is responsible for controlling our automatic behaviors, emotions, and habits.

How does the subconscious mind work?

The subconscious mind works by processing information from our senses and storing it in our memory. It then uses this information to influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without us being aware of it.

What are some examples of subconscious behaviors?

Examples of subconscious behaviors include breathing, blinking, and heart rate. Other examples include habits such as nail-biting, smoking, and overeating.

Can we control our subconscious mind?

While we cannot directly control our subconscious mind, we can influence it through our thoughts and actions. By practicing positive thinking and engaging in healthy behaviors, we can train our subconscious mind to work in our favor.

How does the subconscious mind affect our daily lives?

The subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our daily lives. It influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, which in turn affect our relationships, career, and overall well-being.

What are some techniques for accessing the subconscious mind?

Techniques for accessing the subconscious mind include meditation, hypnosis, and visualization. These techniques can help us tap into our subconscious mind and reprogram it for positive change.

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